Air Force Rings
Air Force Rings available in Gold and Silver for the commemoration of service. Rings created for the men and women of the United States Air Force. The United States Air Force (USAF) is the youngest branch of the Armed Forces to be formed. “No One Comes Close” to one of the world’s most sophisticated air forces. The United States Air Force is “Above All” employing 151,360 including civilian personnel. It has more than 60,000 auxiliary members. These are in the Civil Air Patrol making it the largest air force in the world.
You may want to show your gratitude and be thankful to them for everything they do. Gift them with one of the rings and let them know how proud you are of them.
United States Air Force Rings
There are a variety of Rings like Gold and Silver that can be created. Ideally featuring the Silver Star and Blue Ribbons emblem of the Air Force. Rings can be customized to reflect a person’s specific service. For example a flying group, flying wing, war, or series of battles, a specific Air Force medal or rank insignia.
Customize Your Ring in Seven Areas
There are three styles of rings available in the market. The first type is similar to the class rings seen at high school or university. These have a colored stone or a semi-precious gem in the center. They also have symbolic designs engraved on either side of the stone. The second type of is less decorated and conveys a person’s dedication or service in an understated way. The third type resembles the signet ring or seal ring.
Rings from $299.00
They neither have stones nor semi-precious stones but uses military coats of arms or Air Force insignia. Amongst the rings available you get an ample choice to choose from. With around 15 variants for stone color, 19 options for Laser Vues. They are made to fit men or women with sizes varying 6-15.
One can choose the wording around the stone. The name of the person can be displayed with optional rank and date.